Thursday, June 10, 2010

I believe we will figure out

I believe we will figure out how to upload our brains onto hard drives

And I believe we will figure out a way to make ourselves believe in a soul that exists in a world where it is possible to upload our brains into hard drives

And I believe – eventually – we will figure out a way to believe in a world where the physical is no longer important

Where the physical is no longer necessary

Where the world beyond the physical is the only world worth exploring

And I believe we will long since having stopped caring about things like the environment, and how to stop corrupting it

Or even why we ought to stop corrupting it

But it’ll take awhile, I mean

Long enough to where it won't really matter

Saturday, April 24, 2010

"Hannah Harvey Suggested You Become A Fan Of Hannah Harvey"

Look what is happening to language, every single day.

Hannah Harvey the person wants me to become a fan of Hannah Harvey the musician, who is Hannah Harvey the person.

Hannah Harvey the person would like me to go to the web page of Hannah Harvey the musician, the web page on the web site that has the web page for Hannah Harvey the person, the web site where your friends can suggest you become their fans.

I can never become a friend of Hannah Harvey the musician, nor a fan of Hannah Harvey the person.

For all you know, Hannah Harvey the person is not even my friend.

This happens every day. It is supposed to happen. If I were in Hannah Harvey the web site user it would benefit me to do the same thing.

But look at that sentence again. Look what is happening!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hooray! It's the future
And no one cares
Hooray! It's the future
And no one notices
It's been the future as long as I can remember things
Hooray! It's the future
And no one cares

Hooray! It's the future!
And no one cares
Hooray! It's the future
And no one talks about it
It's been the future as long as I can remember things
Hooray! It's the future
And no one cares
